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Archives for December 2016

Plenary talk: Rafael Martí

Rafael Martí is given a the plenary talk at MIC 2017… We are delighted to have him as a speaker. Next you can find the talk and abstract of his talk, as well as a short CV. Title: Black-Box Solvers In Combinatorial Optimization  Abstract Black box optimizers have a long tradition in the field of operations research. These

Plenary talk: Paola Festa

Paola Festa is given one of the plenary talk at MIC 2017… We are delighted to have her. Next you can find the talk and abstract of her talk, as well as a short CV. Title of the talk: Advances and trends in GRASP: from hybridizations to nonmonocity Abstract GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures)

Local Solver sponsors MIC/MAEB 2017

MIC / MAEB 2017 is glad to count with LocalSolver https://www.localsolver.com as sponsor.  LocalSolver is the flagship product of the company Innovation 24, which provides expert services and products in business analytics and optimization. Its offer in operations research (OR) and decision support covers consulting, prototyping, development, integration, maintenance. Its experts cumulate outstanding skills in mathematical

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